Top 10 Insane (But True) Things About Emerging Technology Trends in 2021

Top 10 emerging technology trends in 2021

Will the emerging technology change the fate of the world in the context of development? Back in the 70s and 80s, if people were told about online shopping, social media platforms, self-driving cars, and many more such things - they certainly would have ridiculed it.  Yet, presently, as we all know, we're vigorously depending upon such innovations like Flipkart, Uber, Facebook, YouTube, and so forth Indeed, we've effectively found over the most recent couple of years that how fresher advancements like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and so on have vanquished the tech world and overwhelmed various other obsolete innovations. This portrays the way that how quickly the advancements are developing and how significant is to remain mindful and refreshed with the most recent mechanical patterns for forming organizations or professions likewise.

Brain-Machine Interface, Intelligent Robots, and DNA Computing may sound like a plotline from the latest Hollywood blockbuster, but we expect these emerging technologies to potentially have a transformational impact on our everyday lives. Thus, we have compiled a list of the Top 10 Trending Technologies in 2021

1. Internet of Behaviour (IoB) 

If you've heard about the Internet of Things (IoT) then let us tell you the Internet of Behavior is also extended from the IoT. In a simple world, it concerns the utilization of data and insights to bring behavioral change. It can be taken in a way like the IoT devices are acting as the huge data sources for the Internet of Behavior (IoB) paradigms. With the help of IoB, the business will be able to monitor the customer & their behaviors and can take its advantage for their respective platforms. For instance, a health-tracking application can get the information in regards to your actual work schedule, diet, sleep, and so forth and this information can be accustomed to bring further conduct change, for example, by giving you customized health plans, and so on.

IoB can gather, combine and process data from many sources including:
  • Citizen data processed by public-sector
  • Commerical customer data
  • Government agencies
  • Social media
  • Public domain
  • Location tracking
The increasing sophistication of the technology that processes this data has enabled this trend to grow.

Internet of Behavior (IoB)

Here are some of the companies investing in IoB: AWS, Cisco, SAP, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Dell, Cloudera, etc.

2. Human Augmentation

People have persistently explored different avenues regarding innovation to upgrade life as far as they might be concerned. This interest has now entered another area – Human Augmentation which fundamentally implies taking the help of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, to upgrade our day-by-day lives as well as to take human intelligence to a higher level. 

Currently, the examinations have been hustling towards helping individuals with disabilities with bionics and prosthetic expansion and curing sickness by experimenting with genes. Yet, the guarantee is to end the current actual incapacities or keep wounds from occurring by any means. 

It can likewise give freedoms to other inventive capacities. For instance, organizations like Neuralink aim to build an unfathomably amazing cerebrum machine interface, with the ability to handle generous measures of information. 

Human Augmentation

Here are some of the companies investing in Human Augmentation: Neuralink, Google, Samsung, Ekso, etc.

3. Edge Artificial Intelligence

Going down with the list, here comes another noticeable innovation pattern for the year 2021 – Edge Artificial Intelligence or you can say the future of Artificial Intelligence! What it basically implies is in Edge Artificial Intelligence, the AI calculations are prepared at the nearby level i.e., Edge AI takes and processed the data to the nearest point of user interaction whether it be a computer or an Edge server, or some other gadget. Amazon Alexa, Google Maps, Drones, and so forth are a portion of the normal models that are upheld by the Edge AI. By coordinating Edge Artificial Intelligence, organizations can diminish expenses and latency times, can improve the security level through local data processing, can save the transfer speed, and significantly more than hence will likewise help in building incredible customer experience. 

According to the reports, the Edge AI market is required to stretch around $1.12 trillion constantly in 2023. In any case, it will not be right to say too that Edge is supplanting the cloud yet it ought to be taken in another manner as Edge innovation will give new additional prospects and tech headways in the coming years.

Artificial Intelligence: Sophia The Robot

Here are some of the companies investing in Edge Artificial Intelligence: Facebook, Google, Amazon, IBM, etc.

4. 5G

5G innovation is to be sure one of the trending innovations and needs of great importance likewise as pretty much every significant innovation whether it be Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Virtual Reality or some other fundamentally depend on better Internet availability. The traits of 5G advancements like high internet speed, lower latency, better productivity, high throughput, and so on will take the internet availability game to a higher level and help in releasing another realm of mechanical opportunities for different advances and organizations. It would be simpler for you to comprehend the 5G situation with this reality – 5G is 10 to 100 times faster in comparison with the 4G network. The 5G availability will assist organizations with getting quicker and more proficient than any other time in recent memory 

In the meantime, it has been anticipated that the quantity of 5G associations will cross the 1 billion figure across the world constantly 2023-24. Once more, 5G innovation is an essential tech pattern to consider in 2021 as it isn't just about the telecom space or higher web speed yet it will affect practically the whole tech world.

5G Technology 

Here are some of the companies investing in 5G: Samsung, Huwai, Intel, Deloitte, Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm, etc.

5. Cybersecurity Mesh

At the point when practically the whole world is going computerized, cybersecurity is in reality one of those tech drifts that will see a huge development in its demand and popularity in the coming years. Additionally, as data is turning into the most important resource for any organization, there is a need to protect these data and information from any sort of cyberattack or data breach. On the off chance that we especially talk about Cybersecurity Mesh, it provides you with a more flexible and distributed approach for cybersecurity measures. It empowers the security edge to be characterized around the personality of a person or thing. In more straightforward words, with the assistance of Cybersecurity Mesh, anybody can gain admittance to any advanced resource in a secured way – without relying upon the location. 

According to the Gartner reports, Cybersecurity Mesh will be one of the significant tech trends for the year 2021. Nonetheless, how about we perceive how associations will receive the Cybersecurity Mesh as it furnishes them with an extraordinary benefit of characterizing the security divider around individuals rather than the entire organization.


Here are some of the companies investing in Cybersecurity: CISCO, RedHat, IBM, etc.

6. Distributed Cloud

The Distributed Cloud innovation trend is here to bring the game of Cloud Computing to a higher level. It is concerned about the distribution of public cloud services to geographical topographical areas with being centrally managed by the original public cloud provider for activities, updates, conveyance, and other related errands. It will help in fulfilling the assistance prerequisites from the individual cloud areas independently as opposed to furnishing them with a centralized solution. Then, the organization is doubtlessly going to get profited by this tech pattern by diminishing latency, limiting information misfortune hazard, and cost-decrease. Likewise, the advancements like the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, and so forth that require processing data in real-time continuously will likewise get affected decidedly with the appearance of Distributed Cloud technology. 

Besides, considering the forecast of a few prestigious reports like Gartner, and so on that constantly said by the year 2025, large numbers of the cloud stages will give probably some dispersed cloud benefits that execute at the mark of need – it is clear to look out for Distributed Cloud innovation pattern in 2021!

Distributed Cloud Computing

Here are some of the companies investing in Distributed Cloud: Amazon. Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, IBM, etc.

7. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (V R)

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are some of those moving advances in the tech world that have filled altogether all over the most recent couple of years and are predicted to rule in the coming year. Taking about these two advances, when Virtual Reality (VR) is concerned about the formation of a simulated environment of the physical world with the assistance of computer technologies, Augmented Reality (AR) serves to the improvement of that environment by utilizing computer-generated components. They are having a wide scope of utilization in various areas whether it be gaming, transportation, schooling, medical care, or some other. For example, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are getting preferred by the Ed-Tech platforms to make the learning experience like nothing anyone's ever seen. 

The overall market for AR and VR is required to stretch around USD 150 billion in the following 3-4 years with a CAGR of in excess of 45% over a similar period. Most presumably, this detail would be sufficient for you to comprehend the need of getting mindful of the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality tech trend this year.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Here are some of the companies investing in AR and VR: Oculus, Virtuix, Cisco, etc.

8. Quantum Computing

Despite the fact that Quantum Computing is definitely not a popular name in the tech world – it has seen an enormous spike in its demand in recent years. What's more, particularly, in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak, when it helped in preventing the spread of the pandemic infection and in the development of vaccines – it turns out to be more indispensable to investigate this moving innovation, Quantum Computing, in the year 2021. It is essentially concerned about the way toward processing that is principally based on quantum phenomena like superposition, entanglement, and so forth The innovation is having its potential use in different areas like banking and finance, medical care, logistics, and some more. Taking a gander at the numbers, the worldwide market for quantum computing is expected to stretch around USD 2.5 billion constantly in 2029 – it is indeed showing some positive indications of the bright fate of Quantum Computing in the tech world.

Quantum Computing

Here are some of the companies investing in Quantum Computing: Google, Amazon, etc.

9. Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics has been there on the lookout for a long while now. An ever-increasing number of organizations are receiving it to go beyond the traditional methods of storing and processing the data.

Recent trends, for example, X-Analytics are being utilized to discover answers for difficulties, including environmental change, disease prevention, and untamed life insurance. 

Big Data additionally gives us intriguing patterns like Decision Intelligence which provides a structure to help data engineers design, model, execute, and monitor decisions models and processes with regards to business results and conduct. In fact, by 2023, over 33% of huge associations will have analysts practicing decision intelligence.

Big Data

Here are some of the companies investing in Big Data Analytics: Amazon, Netflix, Starbucks, Spotify, Google, Adobe, etc.

10. Blockchain

Lastly, here comes another mainstream innovation trend of recent times – Blockchain. However, a considerable amount of people have some unacceptable discernment in their mind that Blockchain is about cryptocurrencies – which is by no means obvious. Cryptocurrency or bitcoin is only a part of Blockchain innovation. Aside from cryptocurrencies, it is also used in various different areas like medical care, supply chain and logistics, advertisements, and so forth. It is actually a decentralized digital ledger that keeps up the records of every exchange executed across the network of computer systems around the world. The demand for blockchain innovation is rising quickly as different undertakings are searching for Blockchain stages to foster high-level business solutions. The significant purpose for such immensely rising ubiquity of Blockchain is the measure of safety level and transparency it offers. 

According to the reports, the worldwide market of blockchain innovation is relied upon to stretch around USD 20 billion continuously in 2025, and that maybe would be sufficient justification for you to save it on your tech radar for the year 2021. 


Here are some of the companies investing in Blockchain: IBM, Oracle, Intel, Daimler, Walmart, Goldman Sachs, etc.

In conclusion, these are the top innovation drifts that all of you are prescribed to look out for, in the year 2021. Likewise, on the off chance that you have perused the article completely – you probably discovered that every one of these tech trends is by one way or another identified with one another. For example, the rise of the 5G tech trends will have a positive impact on IoT, AR, and VR, and so forth. Hence, you don't have to stress over which tech pattern is worthwhile for you or not as thinking pretty much every one of these tech progressions will improve your insight and give you an edge over others. Getting mindful of these innovation trends will certainly remunerate you with some better career and business opportunities!
